Our Difference's

It amazes me how different me and my husband are in a lot of ways. Last night I was washing the floor in my usual manner. The manner is, a bucket full of hot water and cleaner, rubber gloves and a floor washing rag, which really is, well was, a perfectly nice wash cloth until my husband uses it to wipe up bleach!!

He says after almost 6 years of watching me do this " Why don't you buy one of those floor mops?"

"Because I don't want one." I replied

Of course he starts in on how much easier it would be and how his mommy uses one and so on and so forth. BLA BLA BLA...

So I replied" Well I was raised washing the floor by hand and I was raised not to use a dish sponge and quite honestly YOU don't clean the floor so why does it bother you? You don't see me complaining about it, do you??"

I can't stand how he always tries to get me the way his mommy does things..ugh! If I talked about my mom that much or my dad he would have issues with it. Go back home and live with mommy if you miss the way she does things!


It's Time

We have decided that we are going to move! It is time to get out of this over rated town we live in. We are all looking for the best buy when we are purchasing things at the store, so why can't i do it when it comes to where I live? In my opinion, I can and I will. If I wanted to live next to a bunch of ghetto shit heads then I would stay. I guess landlords will tell you anything just to rent their apartments. Two years ago he told us it was a nice quiet neighborhood, well that turned out to be the furthest thing from the truth! I am all done and my husband has finally jumped on board! Thank god, so now it is time to move and for once in my life, I couldn't be more thrilled!


Secrets from the IRS

